Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Airports and Wasted Time

Why do we all feel like we need to travel so much? What sense of worth or sense of importance does it give to us? I am sitting in the Minneapolis airport and have been flying/waiting so far for 4 hours and I am not even half way there yet. I am going to my peer group meeting, HTG3, and meeting with some of best people I know in the industry, but am already tired. I miss my sons and daughter and especially my wife, and yet traveling gives me a sense of importance. What could be more important than my family though. Well I am hoping to slow down on my traveling, but I know that I will always want to get together with my HTG3 friends and mentors. Again it comes down to prioritzation of items in one's life. While it has been difficult to make that choice in the past the decision is getting easier.

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