Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well finally feel like I am getting caught up from last week. Off this morning to a planing session with a client. I love to meet with clients and help them! It always gives me quite a rush.
Had a great discussion with my good friend Mike from Syand Corp in Minneapolis yesterday. It is a necessity to have someone who you can call and talk about anything and everything with. We met through HTG3 and at first I was not sure if I was going to like Mike. We come at things from different angles and I had the feeling that we wouldn't see things eye to eye. But since that first meeting I have found his input to be invaluabel. His perspective is an exceellant source to cause me to think out of the box. I have finally gotten to th point in my life where I am secure enough that I want those different perspectives to gauge my ideas off of. That is how we get ahead. My question is how many of your friends are just like you and how many are cut from a diifferent model? Variety is the true spice fo life!

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