Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Microsoft's Great Sales Tools

OK so it has been a while, but I am back at full power. One of the things I have been working on while away is a presentation with some of my HTG3 brothers and sisters on the Assessment Toolikit by Microsoft. It has helped me land some great opportunities with new clients as well as helping me strenthen my relationship with existing clients. For more information see below and take time to log in and listen. HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Microsoft has recently updated the Business and Technology Assessment Toolkit to version 4. Been quite a few years since we originally rolled out the initial version. On Friday July 23, four HTG members will be discussing how to use assessments to drive business. Hear Joddey Hicks, Aaron Booker, Brent Morris and Erin Arnold as they share their wisdom about BTAT. There is no better time than now to focus on going deeper with clients, and no better tool than the assessment process to dig deep, peel the onion and find opportunities to serve your clients. Here are the details:The Microsoft Business and Technology Assessment Toolkit V4 - How Partners are Using It to Generate Real Revenue and Profit. This webcast will review how MS Partners use the Microsoft Business and Technology toolkit to generate revenue and drive a long lasting client relationship that continues to provide opportunity for years to come. These veteran Microsoft partners will share their secret sauce on how they use the assessment process and the data collected to build long term IT plans and strategies for their clients and then use those to get their clients to open their wallets and continually make purchases of technology and services. We’ll also discuss the new and enhanced features of the new toolkit, including SBS/EBS updates and a new proposal generator.January 23 at 9:00 Pacific time.Register at http://www.mssmallbiz.com/training/. The session is down toward the bottom in teh Growing your Business section.

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