Monday, July 19, 2010

First Day

Well vacation starts today and it has already been completely different than my plan (and I am not as flexible as I wish I was). It started with our basement flooding again this weekend - so we have been pulling up carpeting again and trying to dry everything out (seems to be going better than last time). Then the storms closed the golf course - so no golf with Noah and Christina (which is good and bad depending on how my game looked). Christina and I did have "adult time" with a nice lunch and now going to a movie (can't remember when that happened last time) but had to make time for a confernce call. This is what I mean when I say an integrated life - there needs to be time for everything but you need to prioritize things correctly (and correctly is different for everyone).
Well need to get back to the conference call (and email, paying bills and the 20 other things doing at the same time).

1 comment:

Aaron Booker said...

I miss sharing stories and family life!
In another Airplane tonight, and missing my family. I hope we can catch up in person this year!