Thursday, April 21, 2011


Alway Be Closing!  This used to be the answer, and I guess it still could be, if you understand the game has changed.  It is not about screwing the customer and getting them to sign (see which is the Alex Baldwin rant in Glengarry Glen Ross) to understand.  If you sell this way - you might get the steak knives :)!  But as one of my heros (Jeffrey Gitomer @gitomer) wrote about in one of his Sales Caffeine enewsletters - you need to engage and undestand what is motivating your client to buy.  As Jeffrey says - people don't want to be sold, they want to buy. 
I recently was in Chicago at some meetings for Ingram Micro (@IngramMicroInc) and had a little time between conferences (VTN and GovEd) so thought I would do a little shopping.  My wife was with me and took me to Nordstroms on East Grand Ave (@Nordstrom) .  I have never been there before and wasn't looking forward to it.  But they knew how to make the event almost fun and treated me like a king while doing it.  Are you doing this to your clients?  Do they enjoy working with you?  Or is it difficult and they work with you despite how they are treated?  Think about it and maybe analyze what is happens with each interaction.  It is easier to keep a client then to find a new prospect.
Just something to think about.

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