Friday, May 27, 2011

My mom told me there will be days like this...

Today is one of those days that the mind just shuts down.  It just can't handle anything too taxing (and yes this is different than normal).  How do you deal with days like today?  Do you try to just push through?  Sometimes this works, but usually what I accomplish isn't worth too much.  I try to take it easy, knowing that when I hit a good spot I will have to make up for it.  I don't allow myself to feel guilty (very easy to do) and just understand that this is one of the cycles that happens (all of life is a cycle - just watch and track it).  I like to do research (ok maybe just browse the net, but it sounds so professional) and read.  I am going to have these days so why fight them? 
How do you deal with them?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


How do you measure success - is it a sales number or a profit goal or even an efficiency number. While all these numbers are important they are not the numbers we should be our focus. I have chased these numbers and found that they give a person happiness but only for a short time. True happiness for me comes from the clients I have (which brings me the sales, profit and everything else as a by product). How does this happen? Because my clients are not just business people, but they are my friends also.

This doesn't happen easily nor does it happen over night. I am not just trying to collect names for my Rolodex, but actually working on finding people I want to work with for a long time. I want to help them be successful and know along the way I will be successful also. It is a investment of both time and resources but it holds the best return. You might be asking why do it this way - it takes too long and is difficult. That is true but it is great waking up most mornings and looking forward to doing something you love with people you care about. It takes success to a whole new level.

What does it take to get there? Not much really just spending some quality time with your clients and listening to them. I try to talk 25% of the time and listen the rest. Usually my talking consists of questions to help get a deeper understanding of not only their business but their life. I really want to know how business is going, how their relationship with their significant other is, and their plans for their future. You really need to care because they will know when you are being fake and you will lose all credibility you earned.

Relationships take time and energy, but the rewards are incredible. I know that not only is my future bright but I will be surrounded by a plethora of great friends!